Value and Piece Education(MCQ As per Lucknow University Syllabus for B.Ed First Semester Exam)

Multiple Choice Questions



1) b                  2) a                  3)b                   4) c                  5) d

6)d                   7)a                   8) b                  9) a                  10) c

11) b                12) b                13) d                14) b                15)a

16)d                 17)d                 18)b                 19)b                 20)a

World War 1


1)      Which country made the first declaration of war?

a)     Germany

b)    Serbia

c)     Austria-Hungary

d)    Russia


2)      In what city was Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated?

a)     Zagreb

b)    Sarajevo

c)     Belgrade

d)    Vienna


3)      Which of these nations was neutral in World War I?

a)     Germany

b)    Norway

c)     England

d)    Italy


4)      In which year did First World War start?

a)     1918

b)    1919

c)     1914

d)    1916


5)      What date ended the First World War?

a)     11 Nov. 1918

b)    13 Nov.  1919

c)     13 Nov. 1918

d)    11 Nov. 1919


6)      What was the flashpoint that started the First World War?

a)     Murder of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand

b)    Murder of President J.F. Kennedy

c)     Homer Simpson pressed the meltdown button at the nuclear plant

d)    Death of Gavrilo Princip


7)      What countries make up the triple entente?

a)     Russia, France, Canada

b)    Italy, Germany, Austria-Hungary

c)     Italy, France, England

d)    England(Britain), France, Russia


8)      Which countries make up the triple alliance?

a)     England, France, Russia

b)    Russia, France, Canada

c)     Italy, France, England

d)    Italy, Germany, Austria-Hungary


9)      The members of the Black Hand Society from which country?

a)     Czechoslovakia

b)    Serbia

c)     Germany

d)    Sweden


10)  In which year did American Troops enter the conflict and why?

a)     1917. Sinking of the SS Edmond Fitzgerald

b)    1918. Sinking of the SS Minnow

c)     1915. Sinking of the Titanic

d)    1917. Sinking of the SS Lusitannia


11)  What is a German U boat?

a)     Merchant ship

b)    Submarine

c)     Ocean Troop Carrier

d)    U shaped rubber dingy


12)  What rank was Adolf Hitler during the First World War (in the Austrian Army)?

a)     Captain

b)    Field Marshall

c)     Corpral

d)    General


13)  Which country joined the war on the side of the allied powers in 1916?

a)     Bulgaria

b)    Greece

c)     Serbia

d)    Romania


14)  On what date did the United States declare war on Germany?

a)     December 7, 1914

b)    April 6, 1917

c)     January 29, 1918

d)    November 4, 1917


15)  On which two fronts did Germany fight during World War I?

a)     Russia to the east and Italy to the South

b)    France to the west and Belgium to the North

c)     Russia to the east and France to the West

d)    Switzerland to the south and Russia to the East


16)  When was started the First World War?

a)     28 July 1914

b)    11 November 1918

c)     28 June 1914

d)    27 June 1914


17)  How many years the World War I was fought?

a)     2

b)    3

c)     4

d)    5


18)  How many countries participated in World War I?

a)     27

b)    37

c)     26

d)    42


19)  On which date, the king of Austria Arch Duke Ferdinand was murdered?

a)     28 June 1914

b)    28 July 1914

c)     27 June 1914

d)    27 July 1914


20)  On which place the king of Austria was murdered?

a)     Austria capital Vienna

b)    The capital of Serbia, Belgrade

c)     The capital of Bosnia, Sarajevo

d)    None of these  


21)  First World War is also known as_______.

a)     Great War

b)    The war to end all wars

c)     WW1

d)    All of these


22)  The major countries included in the Allied Powers (Mitra Rastra) were_____.

a)     Germany, Italy, Japan

b)    America, England, France, Russia, Japan

c)     Austria, Hungary, Italy, Germany

d)    America, Russia, Germany


23)  The major countries included in the Central Powers(Dhuri Rastra) were _______.

a)     Austria, Hungary, America

b)    Hungary, Italy, Germany, Japan

c)     Austria, Hungary, Italy, Germany

d)    None of these


24)  When Italy participated in the World War I from Allied Powers:

a)     6 April 1917

b)    26 April 1915

c)     11 November 1918

d)    None of these



1)      c

2)      b

3)      b

4)      c

5)      a

6)      a

7)      d

8)      d

9)      b

10)  d

11)  b

12)  c

13)  d

14)  b

15)  c

16)  a

17)  c

18)  b

19)  a

20)  c

21)  d

22)  b

23)  c

24)  b







                                League of Nation

1)    What American president was responsible for the idea of the League of Nations?

a)     William McKinley

b)    Woodrow Wilson

c)     Franklin Roosevelt

d)    Calvin Coolidge


2)    The League of Nations was created by what treaty?

a)     Treaty of Ghent

b)    Treaty of Paris

c)     Treaty of Versailles

d)    Treaty of Laussane


3)    Where were the permanent headquarters of the League of Nations?

a)     Stockholm, Sweden

b)    Geneva, Switzerland

c)     Antwerp, Belgium

d)    Paris, France


4)    Which of the following was not an organization within the League of Nations?

a)     Commission for Refugees

b)    International Military Board

c)     Permanent Central Opium Board

d)    Slavery Commission


5)    How many nations were charter members of the League of Nations?

a)      54

b)     48

c)      42

d)     60


6)    In addition to the charter members, how many other nations became members of the League of Nations?

a)      12

b)     15

c)      18

d)     21


7)    Which of the following nations was never a member of the League of Nations?

a)      United States

b)     Germany

c)      United Kingdom

d)     Japan


8)    During its existence, 17 nations withdrew membership in the League of Nations. Which of the following nations did not withdraw from the League?

a)      India

b)     Honduras

c)      Spain

d)     Brazil


9)    The League of Nations awarded the Aaland Islands to what nation?

a)      Sweden

b)     Russia

c)      Finland

d)     Norway


10)           League of nation is established in ___________

a)     10 June 1920

b)    10 January 1920

c)     10 January 1919

d)    10 June 1919


11)           How many points were presented by President Woodrow Wilson  for an equitable peace in Europe

a)     12

b)    13

c)     14

d)    15



1) b             2)c              3)b              4)b              5)c              6)d              7)a

8) a             9)c              10)b            11)c



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